
Remembering Celebrities (MM #1440)

As we get older, it becomes a fact of life the people seem to be passing away more often. That includes people in real life and people you’ve admired on television, in movies, and through music. The recent death of Leonard Nimoy got me thinking of a way we should be remembering celebrities…

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Housing Solutions (MM #1439)

Times are tough. It’s harder to find a place to live whether you’re looking for a house or an apartment. And recently I read that people are getting more creative as they seek new housing solutions…

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Cardboard Boxes (MM #1438)

Today I feel like I’m doing a Jerry Seinfeld bit; What’s the deal with cardboard boxes? What is it about cardboard boxes that kids and pets love so much…

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Meat On Friday (MM #1437)

The fact that my wife and I are not the same religion rarely causes a problem for us except once a year, during Lent. I try to do my best and support my wife’s religious practices, but for me not eating meat on Friday is not easy…

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Urgent (MM #1436)

In school they taught us that the word urgent means something requiring immediate action or attention. But to me it seems that we’ve overused the word so much that it means anything but what it should…

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Driving In Snow (MM #1435)

While there many wonderful things I can say about living in the south, it’s difficult to say anything nice if there’s snow on the ground. Even all the transplanted Yankees don’t make driving in snow much easier…

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Mail Delivery (MM #1434)

The US Postal Service is broken. I probably don’t need to tell you that. For a lot of people in Tennessee last week they gave us a reason to wonder why they’re still providing mail delivery services…

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The Water Bill (MM #1433)

I’m really pretty blessed. I don’t often get stressed out about bills. I make enough money to pay my bills and enjoy the other comforts of life. But every now and then a bill comes in and it drives me crazy. Just the other day, I got the water bill…

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Tinted Windows (MM #1432)

There’s something alluring about a car with tinted windows. Perhaps it’s the association with fancy limousines, or wondering what you’re unable to see behind the darkened veil. But there is one HUGE drawback to them…

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Stop Bars (MM #1431)

If you’ve followed the podcast for any length of time you know that I like to drive. And in all my travels I’ve noticed that people seem to have problems with the stop bars that are placed on the pavement. And for the life of me I can’t understand why…

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