
Getting Out Of Debit (MM #1401)

No, the title of today’s podcast doesn’t contain a typo. We’re not talking about debt, we’re talking about debit cards. My bank changed my debit card number on me the other day, and I learned something in the process…

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More Tax Form Headaches (MM #1400)

Tax time is here, and it looks like this year might even be more of a headache than we’ve seen in recent years. Thanks to healthcare reform (Obamacare) we now have more tax forms and paperwork to fill out; and that means it’s going to cost a bit more to get those taxes done…

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I’m Tired Of All The Pressure (MM #1399)

When you get to be my age you start marveling at all the progress and technology you’ve seen in your lifetime. Sure things like computers are obvious, but car tires? But think about the advance in auto technology like the addition of tire pressure sensors…

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Holidays, A Positive Thing? (MM #1398)

Today is the holiday where we honor Dr Martin Luther King Jr. But is MLK Day a holiday? And we’re not questioning whether we should have a day to honor the slain civil rights leader. We’re wondering about holidays in general…

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A Big Fluffy Omelet (MM #1397)

Yesterday in the podcast I was talking about a change to the famed Cadbury Eggs, but what really got me thinking about eggs was something I noticed recently regarding my desire to a find a big ole fluffy omelet…

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Rotten Eggs? (MM #1396)

For many, eggs are something that you prefer in a specific way. But today we’re not talking about chicken eggs, we’re talking eggs of a chocolate variety…

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I Blame MTV (MM #1395)

I get silly every now and then and talk about fluffy subjects. But perhaps you can relate to this one…

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Pass The Buck (MM #1394)

I don’t know how you feel, but lately I’ve been feeling the squeeze. I’m not talking about the way my clothes fit, I’m talking nickels and dimes and dollars…

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Southern Discomfort (MM #1393)

It’s pretty tough living in the south during the winter time. Sure, the other parts of the country think they get the brunt of winter weather, but…

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Take Some Vitamin C (MM #1392)

The holidays are a tough time….for staying healthy. I’m not just talking about eating right, I’m talking about avoiding a cold or the flu. And I thought for sure, I’d gotten lucky…

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