
No Caller ID (MM #4612)

When I was a kid, I always got excited when the phone rang. You never knew who was calling. Today, thanks to modern technology, we usually know who’s trying to reach out. Of course, 90% of the calls are now spam. Few of us even answer the phone. So when my cell phone rang on…

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Another First (MM #4611)

Nashville just scored another first. Forbes Home has crowned Nashville the city with the worst commute. It beat out cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Houston. They didn’t just base the ranking on the length of our commute. It factors in things like mass transit, sidewalks, population, and access to transportation. Fixing our infrastructure…

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Fun Size (MM #4610)

I realize that economics has caused many products to change throughout the years. To keep consumer costs down, manufacturers sometimes change the size of a product so they don’t have to raise the price. This year, for Halloween, we got little goodie bags of candy at my office. And the first thing I noticed was…

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Mr Sunshine (MM #4609)

Much of the world is still shocked by the passing of beloved actor Matthew Perry. Stories about the late Friends star continue to top the headlines a week after his unexpected death. Much of the coverage centers around his time on the legendary sitcom and the demons he tackled in his personal life. But some…

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Thick And Thin (MM #4608)

When you support someone through good times and bad times, you’re there for that person through thick and thin. I thought about that phrase the other day and got quite a chuckle. When we’re talking thin times, we’re going through bad or rough times. When times are thick, it’s referencing good times. But in our…

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The First Snowfall (MM #4607)

There’s something special about the first snowfall of the season. Over the last few days, many of my friends in the northern states enjoyed that first snow. Many took to social media to share how much they loved it. They love it now, but I guarantee they’ll feel different come March or April. I’ve experienced…

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Milestones (MM #4606)

As we go through life, we often use milestones to mark specific points along the way. Significant events usually include things like major anniversaries. Last was our 25th wedding anniversary. That’s obviously a milestone in life. The 26th anniversary doesn’t have the same importance for most. It may not be considered a milestone, but I’m…

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The Last Saturday (MM #4605)

This year, I heard a lot of chatter about changing the date we celebrate Halloween. Many want to make it the last Saturday of October rather than always fall on the 31st. It would become a holiday like Thanksgiving that is day-specific rather than date-specific. While I understand the desire to make celebrating easier for…

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Shoplifting (MM #4604)

Over the last couple of years, there’s been a lot of discussion about an increase in shoplifting across America. You’d likely think that it’s plagued big cities more than smaller ones. And while the crisis is a problem in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco, it’s also a challenge for smaller…

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Cursive (MM #4603)

I talked about this subject many years ago here on the Mason Minute. Cursive writing is something they no longer teach in most schools. My wife and I were discussing this just the other day. Because of the computer and tools like email and text messaging, cursive writing seems obsolete. Back in my school days,…

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