
Side-By-Side (MM #4636)

We all have little things that drive us mad, but they may be no big deal to others. We could call them pet peeves, but I don’t even know if they matter that much. For me, one of these grievances would be when a couple sitting in a restaurant booth sit side-by-side rather than across…

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66 Million Years Ago (MM #4635)

It was 66 million years ago that dinosaurs last roamed the Earth. And for as long as man has studied their demise, the leading theory surrounding their extinction was an asteroid hitting Earth. But now, researchers think the asteroid theory is only partially correct. The primary factor in their deaths was climate change. A change…

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Fatigued (MM #4634)

I’ve been exhausted over the last few months, and recently, at times, I’ve felt fatigued. There are many factors that contribute to this exhaustion. Of course, my age and my size play a significant factor, But I’ve also been pushing myself to limits at times when my body reminds me I need to rest. The…

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Movie Marathons (MM #4633)

The way we watch television has changed in recent years. These days, we no longer watch TV; we consume it. The streaming services have caused both the cable channels and television networks to make profound changes. Some of these changes are good, while others are loved and hated by others. One of these changes that…

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Plan Ahead (MM #4632)

I’ve always tried to be as organized as possible through the years. I do my best to plan ahead and prepare for every situation. But I sometimes drop the ball and don’t work through every detail. This omission usually happens when I’m in a hurry. That happened as we headed out of town for the…

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Snoop Dogg (MM #4631)

Hip-hop icon Snoop Dogg was in the news the other day and had the word buzzing. He wasn’t announcing new music or even a new TV venture. Snoop announced that he was going smokeless. Since he’s known for his marijuana consumption, the internet wondered what it could mean. Something smelled fishy to me. And, of…

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Corned Beef Hash (MM #4630)

I love breakfast, and I love corned beef hash. I can’t remember when I first tried it, but it was love at first bite. But I quickly found that only some make good hash. In the South, it’s tough to find; when you do find it, the results are often hit or miss. Last weekend,…

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Avoid Shopping (MM #4629)

I’ve always loved to shop, but today is a day that I avoid shopping if I can. Sure, you can get great deals on Black Friday, but is it worth the hassle? These days, the day after Thanksgiving isn’t as unique in the retail world. Online shopping has changed how and when we purchase things….

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Over The River (MM #4628)

Whether traveling over the river and through the woods or just down the street, Thanksgiving travel can be a hassle. The roads aren’t just busy; people are impatient. It’s been that way for a few days. My drive to work each morning has been a breeze, but trying to get around town any other time…

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Dessert (MM #4627)

I love dessert. It’s my favorite meal of the day. Just take one look at me, and you can see I haven’t missed very many throughout the years. And while I don’t eat dessert daily, I think about it, okay, dream about it. Thanksgiving is usually one of the best days of the year for…

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