
Razor Blades (MM #4485)

Years ago, my father warned me that there would come a day when I would hate shaving. And, of course, he was correct. Like most men, I hated shaving soon after I needed to do it daily. To this day, I shave as little as possible, many once or twice a week. My father, who’s…

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Pepsi Colachup (MM #4484)

For decades, hot dog lovers have argued whether it’s okay to put ketchup on a hot dog. I’m a purist who says ketchup has no business near that bun. But a company known for battling to change perceptions thinks they have a solution. The bottlers of Pepsi are getting into the condiment business for something…

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Sun Tea (MM #4483)

For many, when the weather gets steamy, it’s the perfect time for iced tea. Here in the south, anytime is a perfect time for tea. But during the hazy, hot summer months, start making sun tea. But did you know that it could be dangerous? The CDC warns us that bacteria can form when making…

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All You Can Eat (MM #4482)

I was 5 or 6 when I visited my first all-you-can-eat restaurant, King’s Buffet, in Cheyenne, WY. I loved a good buffet. For that matter, I loved the mediocre ones too. And my waistline never recovered. I stopped eating at them decades ago. Many are out of business, with Golden Corral among the few survivors….

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Spam Texts (MM #4481)

Over the last few years, spam texts have become a growing problem for most people. I get anywhere from five to ten in a week, and the numbers keep increasing monthly. Here in Tennessee, we have a new law that will go into effect on Sunday that hopes to curb all of these unwanted texts….

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Drive-Thrus (MM #4480)

During the pandemic, many businesses had to get creative in attracting customers to their stores. Since many didn’t want to go inside and be around people, many took a cue from fast-food restaurants and added drive-thrus. And while drive-up windows have been around for a long time, businesses now use them to cut costs and…

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Traffic Light (MM #4479)

I’ve touched on this subject before, but I don’t remember if it was on The Mason Minute podcast or my Road Warrior video blog. I’m talking about traffic light etiquette. I’ve noticed more people have problems with vehicle spacing when stopped at a light or stop sign. They’re leaving too much space between vehicles, and…

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Checkout Line (MM #4478)

We were out doing some shopping recently, and I noticed something that seems to be happening regularly. When standing in the checkout line, people no longer care about the people behind them. More people pay for their items, take their receipt, and then continue to talk to the cashier. They’re holding up the line for…

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Meatball Sandwiches (MM #4477)

Whenever I look at a menu, there are personal favorites that I have to try at least once. Meatball sandwiches are an example of one of those items. I’m always searching for a good meatball sandwich. And while they’re a part of many restaurant menus, I’m usually disappointed. Recently, Mashed Online compiled a list of…

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Media Bias (MM #4476)

In recent years there’s been lots of discussion about media bias. And while I can agree with some aspects of the topic, perhaps all my years in the media make me a bit biased. But the other night, I witnessed the bias up close. And this has nothing to do with politics but involves sports…

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