
Billionaires (MM #4394)

Our society is obsessed with billionaires. The fascination with their lives has been growing for years. As a society, the lives of actors, athletes, and musicians have consumed us forever. But our need to know every little detail about billionaires has only grown over the last few decades. Why? Sure, they’re rich, but is that…

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Read The News (MM #4393)

I can’t count the hours I spend online every week. I probably spend ten to twelve hours between my client and personal pages on social media. But I also try to make time daily to read the news online. The number of stories varies every day. But I know one day of the year that…

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Agent Elvis (MM #4392)

Recently Netflix added a new ten-episode cartoon series called Agent Elvis. And as you’d guess from the title, it stars the man once called the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. It portrays the cartoon version of Presley as both a famous singer and a secret agent. But the fascinating part about the show…

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Jackhammer (MM #4391)

One of the first things people notice when visiting Nashville is the number of cranes dotting our skyline. Construction continues at a rapid pace. I’m experiencing that firsthand. They’re building another skyscraper next door to our corporate offices. And the construction noise often makes it tough to work. The other day, we enjoyed nine hours…

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Bank Failures (MM #4390)

Recently, bank failures have been in the news. Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse shut their doors when they couldn’t cover some transactions. Most of us don’t understand the nuances of the banking industry, so our first response is to panic. A couple of days ago, Chase Bank had some problems with their website, so…

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Download The App (MM #4389)

Marketing is a process that is constantly evolving. In recent years technology has played an increasing role. Years ago, people would clip coupons to get discounts. Then we were encouraged to carry a loyalty card. Now, everybody wants us to download the app. Most of the time, that’s where I draw the line. If you…

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In The News (MM #4388)

Nashville was in the news yesterday. Sadly, for all the wrong reasons. Yesterday there was another mass shooting. It’s our third in less than six years. I’ve talked about my safety concerns as Nashville rapidly grows. And, of course, who can forget the 2020 Christmas morning bombing that destroyed more than a city block in…

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Expired Plates (MM #4387)

Last year, the state of Tennessee changed the look of its license plates for the first time in over 15 years. All registered vehicles with the standard design tag had to be updated. The new ones are navy blue with white numbers and letters. They replace the green and white version with black numbers and…

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So Much Noise (MM #4386)

When I was young, many accused me of making lots of noise. I never understood why people said that. Today, I question if I was that loud. When my nieces and nephews visit, they show me the true meaning of loud. I don’t know how such tiny people can make so much noise. Sometimes it’s…

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Skittles (MM #4385)

For many people, candy is a guilty pleasure. I don’t eat it often, but I enjoy a sweet treat every so often. Like most, I usually opt for chocolate. But sometimes I need something fruity, so I opt for Skittles. The other day I read a story about California looking to outlaw candy like Skittles,…

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