
Zombie Virus (MM #4271)

Since we lost a couple of years thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic, stories about viral research make many of us nervous. Well, research out of France likely won’t make you feel better. Scientists are currently studying what they call a zombie virus. And the details of this project are bizarre…

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Prep Time (MM #4270)

Life is busy for everyone. And we’re all looking for shortcuts to give us more time for the things we want to do. When it comes to cooking, we all look for ways to reduce our meal prep time. A Florida woman has taken this time crunch battle to court. She’s suing the makers of…

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World Cup (MM #4269)

The World Cup is underway, and I find it strange that people who don’t follow the sport are now big fans. I have many friends who used to play soccer, follow the British Premier League, and love the MLS. It makes sense that they’re paying attention. But why do people who know nothing about the…

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Cautiously Optimistic (MM #4268)

Lately, I’ve seen politicians use the phrase ‘cautiously optimistic’ whenever someone asks them a question. Anytime I hear those words, I know they’re just using fancy words that mean nothing. What they’re saying is pure spin…

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The Bear (MM #4267)

Over the Summer, my brother-in-law told us about a TV show we had to watch. It’s called The Bear, and it’s on Hulu. When we heard that it took place in a Chicago Italian Beef restaurant, I knew it was up our alley. But we quickly realized this show was nothing like we expected…

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Cornbread Dressing (MM #4266)

As we wait for co-workers to join our online meetings, we can get into some interesting topics. The other day, the subject of dressing or stuffing came up. That quickly turned into a discussion about cornbread dressing for Thanksgiving. And it was interesting to seek the puzzled looks from some…

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Mashed Potatoes (MM #4265)

For many, Thanksgiving is about family, food, and football. Recently, I’ve noticed a lot of online talk about mashed potatoes. We even had a discussion yesterday about the best way to make them. For some reason, many have a difficult time making them. That confuses me…

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Favorite Holiday (MM #4264)

The other day we were killing time before a meeting started. Of course, everyone was discussing their Thanksgiving plans and traditions. A few coworkers mentioned that it was their favorite holiday. A couple more chimed in that they loved Christmas. When they asked me, I was stumped…

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Safe In Public (MM #4263)

With the recent tragedy in Colorado Springs still in the news, many people are saying they no longer feel safe in public. That makes perfect sense. Mass shootings are happening in schools, churches, movie theaters, grocery stores, and hosts of other public places. We now have to be aware of our surroundings wherever we go….

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Historic (MM #4262)

Nashville has been going through an identity crisis for the last few years. The old Nashville is clashing with the new. One of the most significant points for argument is historic buildings. But nobody seems to agree with what that means. Is a building historic? Or is it the business inside that makes it that…

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