
Lifestyle And Aging (MM #5089)

We all know how much our lifestyle and aging are connected. Sure, your diet and exercise can help in the aging process. Plus, if you smoke and/or drink, that can speed up your aging. However, researchers have found that there are other factors that are just as important but perhaps not as obvious. These environmental…

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Life Span (MM #4950)

For years we’ve heard that Americans are living longer. Since 1960, the average life span has increased by seven and a half years. But experts say living longer shouldn’t be where we focus. We need to think about our health span. Our health span is the number of years that we spend in good health….

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Thoughts On Aging (MM #4895)

Experts have long had thoughts on aging. We’ve all heard about growing old gracefully. However, researchers have found that we don’t age gradually. They say there are ages where we spike. It’s like we grow old quicker, around 44 and 60. I wish we had known this 20 years ago. I often thought that ages…

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Getting Older (MM #4872)

Like many, I have mixed feelings about getting older. The upside is just living another day, let alone another year. I try not to consider the downside, but it’s hard to escape. The random aches and pains that seem to last longer can be frustrating. But for me, the one thing that reminds me just…

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Going Gray (MM #4754)

For some people, it becomes an obsession by the time they’re in college. For most, it’s a reality by the time they hit their 40s. While going gray isn’t even close to the worst thing that can happen to us as we age, we still worry about perceptions. Even if heredity tells you otherwise, doctors…

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Beautiful And Sad (MM #4349)

Let’s be honest; aging is not fun. Yes, there are some things we can do to fight off much of the inevitable, but there are some things over which we have no control. I’ve noticed from a recent spike in TV commercials memory loss is a concern for many. For some of us, memories can…

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Healthy Habits (MM #4333)

Doctors often remind us of the healthy habits we should follow to live a long life. Exercising every day is recommended. But, as you age, you need to slow those workouts down. The way we live our lives needs some tweaks as we get older. And while this makes sense on the surface, it’s still…

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Demographics (MM #4296)

Math was never my favorite subject in school. I always got good grades but never thought numbers would become a primary focus in my career. During my radio career, demographics were the numbers that concerned me. They’re also my focus today, in particular…

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Retiring (MM #4282)

Recently I’ve had a few friends and co-workers announce that they were retiring in the coming months. I’ve had many radio and music business friends make similar announcements throughout the years, but the recent declarations were different. This time around, it’s people who are my age or just a couple of years older making the…

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Memory Loss (MM #4272)

As we age, one of the concerns for many is memory loss. For some, this loss can be an early sign of Alzheimer’s or dementia. There are numerous supplements or drugs that people can take. But nutritionists say that what we eat can help keep us sharp and keep us away from those pills that…

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