
Fake (MM #5068)

I’ve been immersed in the social media world for nearly two decades. Looking back to the days of MySpace, I’m amazed at all the differences. Technology has changed it all. We could never imagine just how much. Today, we have to look at every post that hits our feed and wonder if it’s real or…

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Alter Ego (MM #3888)

Television shows like American Idol and The Voice are hugely popular. But have you seen the newest singing competition show on TV? It’s on FOX, and it’s called Alter Ego. And like the show that precedes it, The Masked Singer, it puts a twist on the performance. Alter Ego uses a form of avatar technology….

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The Avatars Are Coming (MM #3887)

If I use the word avatar, most people will think of the movie series or video gaming. But trust me when I tell you that avatar technology is coming to the real world. Soon we’ll be interacting regularly with avatars when we bank or go to a fast-food joint. And that is just the beginning….

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Embrace The Future (MM #3381)

Every day, people ask us to embrace the future. This is especially true when it comes to adopting new technology. And for many people change can be a scary thing. Honestly, I love change. With change, your life is never going to be boring…

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