
Meatball Sandwiches (MM #4477)

Whenever I look at a menu, there are personal favorites that I have to try at least once. Meatball sandwiches are an example of one of those items. I’m always searching for a good meatball sandwich. And while they’re a part of many restaurant menus, I’m usually disappointed. Recently, Mashed Online compiled a list of…

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Best Coffee (MM #4066)

Through the years, I’ve learned one thing about coffee drinkers. Almost every one of them is opinionated. Just ask a java lover what’s the best coffee, and they’ll tell you. But good luck getting a consensus answer. It’s a very personal subject…

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The Best (MM #3758)

We live in a world where everyone’s focus is on both the best and the worst. But at the end of the day, there is no standard to determine whether anything is best or worst. It’s all simply a personal opinion. What one person says is the top; someone else might think something completely different……

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Best Or Worst (MM #3620)

I’ve often wondered why so many people are obsessed with lists of the best or worst things. I’ll admit that I too fall prey to these online posts and articles. Some of these lists are so absurd, while others are…

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