
Neon Signs (MM #5029)

I’ve long been fascinated with neon signs. The glow of their lights is one of my earliest childhood memories. One of my hobbies is to take photos of them whenever I get the chance. Anytime I travel, I’m always on the lookout for a sign I’ve never seen. Nashville’s tourist area, Lower Broadway, is filled…

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Mean Girls (MM #4680)

A couple of months ago, I saw a news story online announcing the release date for the new Mean Girls movie. The original has become one of my favorites, and I usually watch it whenever I see it on TV. At first, I was a bit confused. We’ve already had a sequel that came out…

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What Is Nashville Like (MM #2689)

When I worked in radio people were always calling us up to ask questions. I’m used to hearing strange questions, but never expected anyone to ask me, ‘what is Nashville like’?

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