
Dogs And Cats (MM #4740)

If you’re considering adding a pet to your household, you’re likely thinking about dogs and cats. While some people opt for birds, fish, or even hamsters, there’s no doubt that dogs and cats are most popular. And the choice between the two is not very close. Over the last few years here in Nashville, I’ve…

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Medicine (MM #4532)

One of the hazards of getting older is that we often have to start taking some medicine. And that’s not for humans; it happens to our pets, too. After a recent trip to our veterinarian, our cat Bizzie was diagnosed with thyroid issues, so she had to start taking medicine. The vet offered a choice…

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Boxes (MM #4209)

I’ve had cats for many years. But it wasn’t until we adopted our current cat Bizzie that I learned how much cats love cardboard boxes. Most of our cats would hop in a box for a few minutes, but their interest would quickly fade. Not Bizzie. She has many boxes throughout the house that we…

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Cat Owners (MM #3819)

Most cat owners would agree that their furry friends are moody. And during the pandemic, vets have reported they had to treat many cats for depression. And it may not surprise many why the cats are so depressed…

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Shopping For Pets (MM #3596)

I’ve never understood why people spend so much time and money when shopping for pets. I saw a story on the news the other day of a woman who was scammed out of thousands of dollars because she wanted a specific dog. With all of the animals in shelters today, why would someone do that?…

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Animals Know (MM #2748)

One look at the calendar tells us that fall is here, but the temperatures sure don’t reflect it in Nashville. But the animals know that colder weather is coming, very soon…

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Sound Of Thunder (MM #2654)

We’ve had some pretty heavy duty thunderstorms here in Tennessee the last few days. And there’s one thing I’ve always wondered about the sound of thunder…

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Nursemaid (MM #2244)

My wife tells me I’m not very fun to be around when I’m sick. At least I don’t get sick very often. Luckily over the years, my cats have played nursemaid. That is until Bizzie came to live with us…

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Under The Covers (MM #2131)

Recently I saw a video on Facebook where a cat was playing under the covers.  There are thousands upon thousands of cute pet videos online.  But can I get my cat to play under the covers?

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