
Batteries Required (MM #3930)

Back in my younger days, there were certain toys I wanted but knew I’d never get. Anything that said batteries required was out of the question. Now that the technology has improved and rechargeable options are cheap, batteries aren’t taboo. And now it seems that everything needs batteries…

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Holiday Specials (MM #3928)

For as long as I can remember, holiday specials have dotted the TV dial throughout December. Some of these are movies, many have become classic, but most are cartoons aimed at the kids. And while we’ve seen these shows dozens upon dozens of times, have you ever really watched them? Some of these cartoons are…

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Sweets And Treats (MM #3927)

Christmas is almost here, and sadly all of the holiday sweets and treats will soon be gone. I don’t eat them as much as I did years ago when I worked in an office, but I still enjoy more than my fair share. I wonder, why are all these goodies only served during the holidays?…

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Christmas Cookies (MM #3923)

Over the next couple of days, my wife will be doing her annual holiday baking. Our nieces and nephews all love her Christmas cookies. People all across America love Christmas cookies, too. But, every state seems to be searching for a different kind of holiday favorite…

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Die Hard (MM #3922)

Die Hard was the movie that took Bruce Willis from being a TV star to a worldwide superstar. In recent years, it’s been a hot topic around the holidays. But this year, people are not just arguing whether it’s a Christmas movie or not. Some have another issue…

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Decorating For Christmas (MM #3918)

Many of us do some level of decorating for Christmas. I think a lot depends on whether you have children or not. In our case, the cat determines just how much we should do or not do. But I was thinking back to my younger days and how different decorating was…

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Holiday Cups (MM #3879)

A lot is going on in our world right now, but if your social media timelines are like mine, there’s only one thing happening. Starbucks has finally released its new holiday cups, and social media is buzzing. I know I have many coffee-loving friends, but why is everyone so excited about a disposable cup? I…

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Latest Complaint (MM #3877)

Everywhere you turn, people are griping about something. Every day there’s something new to rile people up. For many, the latest complaint is retail stores going from Halloween straight to Christmas displays. While I understand how many feel, I think they’re just looking for a fight more than anything else…

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Little Debbie (MM #3861)

Little Debbie snack cakes have been a favorite of many families for decades. Some prefer the Nutty Buddy Bars or Oatmeal Creme Pies, while others crave their Swiss Rolls and Zebra Cakes. But ice cream is the reason that Little Debbie has been making news recently…   

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Back To The Grind (MM #3575)

For many, it’s back to the grind today. The holidays are over, and many will get back to their routine. But for some reason, this break seems longer than the normal 3-day weekend. I realize that the combination of the Christmas and New Year’s holiday play into this, but…  

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