
Deviled Eggs (MM #4400)

For many people, including myself, deviled eggs were always a part of the big Easter meal. It makes sense. Since the eggs we searched for on Easter morning were hard-boiled, we had to consume them quickly. I always thought it was odd the ‘deviled’ eggs were a big part of a church holiday. Of course,…

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Holy Trinity (MM #3754)

Anyone who goes to church knows that the Holy Trinity is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If you like Cajun food, you know that they have a different version, onions, carrots, and celery. But did you know there is now a trinity for people over 60? This fact may be strange, but it’s true……

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Vacation Bible School (MM #1547)

I’m not sure if this is happening nationwide, or is simply something that’s happening locally. But I noticed recently that many of the local churches are running their annual vacation bible school much earlier in the summer than they did back when I was young. Is this happening everywhere?

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