
Feed A Cold (MM #5102)

I’ve heard the old wive’s tale most of =my life. Feed a cold, starve a fever. But I’m often confused about whether that’s correct. Perhaps it’s really starve a cold, feed a fever. But right now, I know the first one is correct. I’ve been battling a slight cold for four or five days. Fortunately,…

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Quad-demic (MM #5055)

By now, you’ve heard that flu activity across the U.S. is very high. But it’s not just the flu. Many are suffering from RSV, COVID, or the norovirus. You might say it’s a perfect storm of viruses right now. Experts call this a quad-demic. There’s no secret to avoiding any or all of these viruses….

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Boost Your Immunity (MM #5052)

This time of year, if you’re like most people, you try hard to avoid catching a cold or the flu. You’re doing whatever you can to boost your immunity. So many people I know caught something over the holidays. Knock on wood, I’ve been able to avoid catching anything so far. A few years ago,…

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Dirty Laundry (MM #5035)

We wrapped up our winter break yesterday and got back to the office. And without fail, I already have three co-workers who are out with the flu. They caught it during the holidays. It happens to many of us. It’s almost impossible to avoid cold and flu season this time of year. We must wash…

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Getting Colder (MM #5007)

Now that it’s December, we’re seeing the Winter weather moving in. In some parts of the U.S., heavy snow, and in places like Middle Tennessee, it’s getting colder. We’ve had a couple of what I call southern snowfalls. That’s where you get a light dusting of snow, but it only sticks to the grass. It…

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Hawaiian Punch (MM #4854)

Hawaiian Punch was a special treat if you’re a child of the 60s, 70s, or 80s. And while it’s still available today, kids don’t seem to care as much. Today, they have so many more options. But if you’re like me, there was about Hawaiian Punch that bothered you; it never seemed to stay cold….

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Plan Ahead (MM #4632)

I’ve always tried to be as organized as possible through the years. I do my best to plan ahead and prepare for every situation. But I sometimes drop the ball and don’t work through every detail. This omission usually happens when I’m in a hurry. That happened as we headed out of town for the…

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Brain Freeze (MM #4426)

It doesn’t happen all the time, but like many, I get a brain freeze if I eat something cold. Some call it an ice cream headache, but I usually don’t get it when I eat something creamy and cold. But the other day, I had some Italian ice and kept getting that sharp pain. Ouch…

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Cold And Flu (MM #4376)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had problems finding the correct cold and flu medication when I’m under the weather. Since no two illnesses are the same, you’ve got to find the right drugs. I hate taking aspirin, so choosing what to take when I have a cold or the flu is tougher….

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Simple Science (MM #4279)

It’s cold and flu season and doctors are already reporting more cases than we’ve seen in years. Naturally, the numbers were down the last few years because of COVID-19, but it’s still worse than a couple of years before the pandemic. And researchers think they’ve finally figured out why we catch a cold and see…

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