covid 19

Infectious Diseases (MM #4158)

Infectious diseases are on the rise. And I’m not just talking COVID-19 and monkeypox. Polio and Lyme disease are both rapidly increasing. And scientists think they know the reason why; climate change. The shift in weather patterns is causing many animals to move their habitats. And that’s putting them closer to humans, and that’s part…

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Lifeguard (MM #4128)

Being a lifeguard was one of the best Summer jobs when I was younger. What’s not to love? But times have changed, and we currently have a shortage across America. With pools closing during COVID-19, many guards looked elsewhere for work. And of course, it’s not the best paying job, so that’s also a problem….

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Too Much Change (MM #4024)

Everyone is stressed out. And it doesn’t seem to be getting better. Sure, COVID-19 had a lot to do with it. But, I think there’s something more we need to consider. There’s been too much change throughout the world over the last few years. And many people can’t handle it…

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Stay Home (MM #4004)

Now that it looks like we’re emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic, the last thing anyone wants to do is stay home. But many people will choose to continue staying close to home for a new reason. The rising cost of gas has forced people to reevaluate how much they can get back to normal…

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Convoy (MM #4003)

If you’ve seen any news over the last few days, you’ve heard about the convoy around our nation’s capital. Hundreds of vehicles are coordinating to create a rolling protest about Covid-19 restrictions. I ask, why now? Most states have already relaxed their mask mandates. There is something more to this…

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Changing Priorities (MM #3956)

We can all agree that the pandemic has changed our lives in so many ways. The world is struggling, and experts are trying to figure out why. Right now, the only thing that we can point to is our changing priorities. COVID-19 caused people to reevaluate their lives, and for many, the future will be…

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Flurona (MM #3946)

Every winter, we have to worry about getting the flu or catching a cold. For the last couple of years, we’ve been concerned with COVID-19. But this year, we have another hazard; flurona. And yes, it’s exactly what you think…

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Rewind And Reflect (MM #3937)

For many, the first day of a new year is a great time to rewind and reflect. But honestly, do we want to do that? It’s been another strange year for many people. And for some, 2021 was more frustrating than 2020. So at this point, perhaps we only look forward…

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Fresh Pasta (MM #3935)

When the pandemic began, many people decided to start baking bread with their newly found free time at home. But, many have moved on from making bread to something else; fresh pasta. Making pasta is a new obsession for many people. And you might even know someone who got a pasta maker for Christmas…

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Five Symptoms (MM #3932)

For many people, staying healthy throughout the holidays is a primary goal. The Omicron variant of COVID-19 still has us concerned. If you continue to worry about the virus, experts tell us to watch for five symptoms. But there’s one big issue with this…

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