
Latest Scam (MM #4433)

Every time you turn around, you have to be on the lookout for some new issue. The latest scam we must watch for involves the self-checkout at big box stores like Walmart. Does it surprise you that everyone wants to make a fast buck? So now, not only do we have to check out and…

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Street Racing (MM #4396)

While Nashville remains one of the fastest-growing cities in America, we’re experiencing many growing pains. We have your typical issues, like traffic congestion. And our crime rate continues to rise at a rapid pace. But we’re also dealing with an issue I haven’t heard about in other cities. We have a street racing problem…

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Gun Ownership (MM #4331)

Every time we have mass shootings in America, people question why they’re happening with increasing frequency. Experts point to a rise in gun ownership for one of the reasons. With more firearms in circulation, the potential for any crime rises. We’re living in stressful times, and when you look at the increasing gun sales, it…

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Problem With Guns (MM #4320)

Like many growing cities, Nashville has a problem with guns. Now I’m not talking about the typical robberies or carjacking. Our issue is with the number of guns stolen from cars. So far this year, there have been nearly 60 guns stolen from vehicles, and January isn’t even two-thirds complete. The sad part is that…

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Safe In Public (MM #4263)

With the recent tragedy in Colorado Springs still in the news, many people are saying they no longer feel safe in public. That makes perfect sense. Mass shootings are happening in schools, churches, movie theaters, grocery stores, and hosts of other public places. We now have to be aware of our surroundings wherever we go….

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Organized Crime (MM #4257)

When people talk about organized crime, we likely think about TV shows like Law & Order or the Sopranos. Well, it’s become a reality in our communities, but not the way you think. Organized retail crime is on-the-rise, and stores like Target, Best Buy, and CVS are struggling. It’s more than just small groups of…

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Copper Theft (MM #4181)

Yesterday I was talking about the recent increase in stolen catalytic converters. Another crime that often occurs during difficult economic times is copper theft. Criminals will try to steal the wiring from homes, businesses, churches, and from radio station transmitter sites. And while this hasn’t started happening yet, it’s just a matter of time…

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Cold Case (MM #4032)

I’m not the biggest fan of cold case murder mysteries, but now and then, I get drawn in. This week police announced that they had solved some long-forgotten murder cases from the 1980s. Once again, DNA evidence helped bring peace to some families…

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Gas Siphoning (MM #4009)

Whenever we experience gas shortages or extreme increases in prices, there’s one thing you can count on, an jump in crime. With a quick jump in prices, gas siphoning is already making the news. While I shouldn’t be surprised, it always baffles me. But I don’t know why I’m surprised…

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