
Gas Stations (MM #3891)

As a youngster, I was always fascinated with gas stations, or as many people called them, service stations. Watching the people come and go or checking out the service bays were always fun. But today, filling up your car is a much different experience. And here in Nashville, the gas station is often a dangerous…

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Organized Retail Crime (MM #3863)

As many stores struggle to keep workers happy, they’re also dealing with something perhaps tougher to manage. The increase in organized retail crime has been steady in many cities. Bands of thieves aren’t just looking for big-ticket items. They’re stealing anything they can and making money by reselling these items. And experts say this may…

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Stolen Vehicles (MM #3856)

As Nashville continues to grow, so does our crime rate. I haven’t looked at the exact numbers, but we seem to have a big problem with stolen vehicles. Crimes like that happen in many cities, but here, there’s a unique problem when people take these vehicles…   

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Place To Hide (MM #3844)

When you make a quick stop at the grocery store, or perhaps your favorite big box store, do you search out a place to hide just in case somebody starts shooting? I’d never even thought about this until just the other day. And while this may seem a little paranoid, some say it’s not…   

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New Depths (MM #3824)

I want to believe that the human race, for the most part, is inherently good. But some moments shake my faith in humanity. Recently, I read a story about the new depths to which some of our fellow men and women have sunk…

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Stolen Guns (MM #3809)

Stolen guns have become a huge problem here in Nashville. But there’s one strange detail about many of these thefts. Over 60% of the crimes involve automobiles. And what I wonder, why would anyone leave their firearm in their vehicle? To me, that’s just asking for trouble…   

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Misplaced Anger (MM #3743)

Every day across America, there are news stories of misplaced anger. Some of these only involve people yelling and screaming. And sadly, some can end up with people pulling guns or knives. We have an anger issue, and it’s only getting worse…  

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Road Rage (MM #3718)

Every day I read another news story of a road rage incident here in the Nashville area. Road rage seems to be on the rise in many cities, but it’s gotten much worse here. Is it our growth? Or could it be politics? I’m not sure anyone knows right now…  

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Feel Safe (MM #3610)

Many people just want the simple things in life. But to quote Van Halen, sometimes the simple life ain’t so simple. One thing we all want is to feel safe. Lately, that seems to be something that might be escaping our grasp. In all honesty, I used to feel safe, but now…  

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Shots Fired (MM #3551)

It’s never a good night when you are scrolling through Facebook and see the phrase ‘shots fired’. It’s an even worse night when you see those words on your neighborhood Facebook page. Sadly, our once quiet neighborhood isn’t as quiet as it used to be…  

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