
Crime Numbers (MM #3344)

Across the country, people have been asked to stay at home for the last few months. The good news from everyone staying home, is that crime numbers seem to be down. But here in Nashville I’ve noticed something about recent crimes…

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Crime Is Down (MM #3325)

For many, it has been tough adjusting to life during the Coronavirus pandemic. But there actually is at least one good thing that has come about; crime is down…

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Safe Neighborhoods (MM #3171)

We all want to live in safe neighborhoods, that’s no secret. So why don’t people do the simplest things like locking their doors? For some reason our neighbors never learn…

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Solving Old Crimes (MM #2970)

Recently more and more law enforcement agencies have been solving old crimes thanks to technology. Police are now able to analyze DNA and track down long forgotten criminal cases. Some of which are decades old…

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Smash And Grab (MM #2962)

As Nashville grows our crime rate is also growing as well. Recently we’ve had a rash of smash and grab burglaries, and that makes me wonder…

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New Hazard (MM #2921)

These days everywhere you turn there seems to be a new hazard entering your life. Last weekend we experienced a hazard here in Nashville that we’d never before seen…

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Neighborhood Crime (MM #2920)

Every time I turn on the TV news I hear about another home being burglarized. So naturally you would think that neighborhood crime is on the rise. But I found out today that only certain crimes are on the rise…

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Receipts (MM #2882)

I save receipts. In fact, I get a receipt for every purchase I can. Well there’s a new credit card receipt scam that’s going around that targets people who don’t take their receipts. I may be one of the lucky ones…

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Not Guilty (MM #2784)

There are many things about our criminal justice system that make no sense to me. How can a person caught in the act of a crime with dozens of witnesses plead not guilty? Our system could be simplified…

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Jail (MM #2745)

Crime is becoming a huge concern here in Nashville, but sadly it seem to bother regular people more than our leaders. For some reason criminals never seem to go to jail…

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