
Phone Scams (MM #1734)

It seems that almost every time I turn on the local TV news they’re doing a story about some area residents who have fallen prey to phone scams. I’m truly baffled at how in today’s society there are still people gullible enough to believe these scammers…

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More Crime Or More Panic? (MM #1688)

As I pay attention to the world we’re living in, I’m noticing a lot more crime around me. But in all honesty I’m not sure if it’s more crime or more panic…

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Do You Feel Safe? (MM #1633)

Like so many people, my world changed back in 2001 on September 11th. And while terrorism is always on my mind I’ve recently gotten even more concerned about my safety. So my question to you is, do you feel safe?

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More, Less, Or The Same? (MM #1121)

I’ve talked about how we consume news in the modern world previously, The 24 hour TV news channels and the internet mean that the information never stops. But have our lives really changed that much…

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It’s A Crime (MM #883)

I don’t know if you’ve been noticing what I have been lately, but it seems that things are getting worse…

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