
Crosswalk Etiquette (MM #1960)

Is there such a thing as crosswalk etiquette? If not, there should be. Thanks to the smartphone, I’ve noticed that fewer and fewer people look up while walking. And sadly, that includes when they enter a crosswalk. There should be a law…

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Crosswalks (MM #1858)

Today we ask a Seinfeldesque question. Now, imagine me doing a Jerry Seinfeld imitation; “So what’s the deal with crosswalks? Why won’t people walk in them? Are they cross?” If people won’t use them why do we even have them?

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Hey, Look Up! (MM #1301)

I don’t know if we’re having an epidemic or I’ve just been noticing this more often, but so many people have forgotten some of the basic rules we learned when we were younger…

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Strolling Along (MM #1193)

I’ve been on the road a lot lately, and no matter where I am I’ve noticed a similar trend…

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