
Right Lane (MM #2812)

Lately I’ve noticed that more and more people refuse to drive in the right lane on the road or highway. It’s especially true when it comes to semis and commercial trucks…

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Crossover Vehicles (MM #2807)

Our driving needs are changing, and those changes are affecting car companies in a big way. Instead of producing sedans, companies like Ford and GM are turning to crossover vehicles. And those changes are costing people jobs…

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Streetlights (MM #2770)

I could swear that streets and roads are much darker today than when I first started driving. I’ve never counted, but there has to be fewer streetlights. I especially notice the lack of light as I roll down the highway late at night…

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One-Handed (MM #2731)

I’ve noticed that more and more people are driving one-handed these days. But they’re not texting while driving. They’re doing something much more dangerous…

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Passive Aggressive Drivers (MM #2724)

I know that I’ve talked about a few of my pet peeves throughout the years. But lately one of those pet peeves is really driving me crazy. Have you noticed the increase in passive aggressive drivers?

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One-Way Street Signs (MM #2688)

I’ve never understood why some cities have so many one-way streets. And for some reason where they place the one-way street signs makes no sense either…

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Watch Out For (MM #2656)

Recently I noticed something that we all should watch out for when we’re driving; people using their cellphones as a GPS. I think they’re more dangerous than people who text and drive…

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Parking (MM #2616)

I’ve been driving for nearly three-quarters of my life.  I grew up driving a big 4 door gas guzzler, which was a pain to park. But recently I’ve noticed that any kind of parking has become a challenge for most people…

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Flying (MM #2602)

I used to love flying places. But I haven’t flown in a few years and honestly don’t plan on flying anytime soon. Over the last few years flying has become truly a hassle…

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Road Hazards (MM #2572)

I’ve always loved driving.  But over the last few years I do my best to avoid road hazards like ice and snow.  I’m more worried about everyone else and their driving…

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