
Parallel Parking (MM #1973)

There’s one thing that I think every driver struggles with, and I’m not talking about texting and driving. Most of us truly struggle with parallel parking. Let’s face it, it’s something that most of us rarely do anymore unless you live in a major city…

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Slow Poke (MM #1936)

Tennessee is one of the latest states to enact the slow poke law. This is the law that forces drivers to get out of the left lane if they drive too slow. It’s a great idea in theory, but I doubt it will work or even be enforced; in spite of what lawmakers say…

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Recall Notice (MM #1927)

We got a recall notice the other day. It seems that now days the mail just brings bills and bad news. As a kid I looked forward to checking the mailbox everyday. But that’s not the case anymore…

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Race Against Time (MM #1854)

I’m often in a race against time. Now I’m not actually talking about the aging process, I’m really talking about racing time. It may not sound right, but I can explain. I think it will make more sense…

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Hearing Sirens (MM #1825)

If you live in a major metropolitan area like me, you’re probably hearing sirens all the time. Now you might not hear them where you live, but you no doubt hear them while driving. So, this got me to wondering why technology hasn’t come into play when it comes to sirens…

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Dip Your Headlights (MM #1808)

Driving down the road the other night I encountered a lot of cars coming at me with their high beams on. I kept thinking to myself; dip your headlights. And that got me to thinking. Does anyone really say dip your headlights anymore…

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Traffic Circles (MM #1803)

Nashville is trying to deal with traffic congestion. So they’ve begun to add traffic circles or roundabouts as they are also known. On paper they make sense, but encountering one is something completely different. On they surface they should be simple…

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Southern Living (MM #1769)

Southern living is always interesting. And I’m not talking about the magazine Southern Living. I’m actually talking about what it’s like living in the south… especially during the winter months…

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Round-trip Travel Time (MM #1712)

I’ve been a road warrior most of my life. I’ve driven hundreds of thousands of miles up and down the highway, but recently I’ve noticed something unique about round-trip travel time. And it makes perfect sense to me…

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Signal Then Brake (MM #1696)

I know that I’ve been driving for years, but I’m frequently amazed at how difficult driving is for so many people. And it’s often the simple things; like when you should signal then brake…

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