
Sparkling Water (MM #5054)

We all know that drinking the proper amount of water keeps you hydrated and helps with weight loss. But for many people, me included, water is boring. Some experts say switching to sparkling water is just as good for you, and the carbonation can help make you feel full. New research says that sparkling water…

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Exercise (MM #4647)

We all know that exercise is the key to living longer. But do people who exercise heavily live longer than those who only do so moderately or even just a little? Researchers from Finland found that extreme exercise is of little benefit to living a longer life. While exercise is essential, smoking and drinking also…

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Healthy Habits (MM #4333)

Doctors often remind us of the healthy habits we should follow to live a long life. Exercising every day is recommended. But, as you age, you need to slow those workouts down. The way we live our lives needs some tweaks as we get older. And while this makes sense on the surface, it’s still…

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Everyday Stress (MM #4306)

No matter how hard we try, stress is hard, if not impossible, to avoid. But now, some researchers say everyday stress can be a good thing. Of course, everyone’s tolerance levels are different. So that makes it difficult to say how much is okay for each of us…

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No Pain, No Gain (MM #3674)

People have been uttering the phrase no pain, no gain for decades. But it has been around in some form for hundreds of years. And while many people use it when discussing exercise, it actually pertains to so much more…  

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Bad Back (MM #2369)

I’ve suffered from a bad back for years. I hurt it playing basketball when I was in my teens and it still acts up every now and then. I admit, I have no one to blame but myself…

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Walking Alone (MM #1791)

If you know me at all, you know I’m not a huge fan of exercising. I should do a whole lot more of it, but I don’t. But I realized something the other day. It’s easier to walk in a group than it is walking alone. An I don’t know why that is. Could it…

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Pain And Gain (MM #1771)

No pain, no gain. I was reminded of that adage the other day when I went out to shovel all that snow in our driveway. All I could think about was pain and gain. That phrase has always bothered me. I understand the concept, but sometimes the gain truly isn’t worth the pain…

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Making Time (MM #733)

We hear people say it ALL the time… You have to make time for it! But there are so many ‘its’ that you have to make time for…

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