
Still Popular (MM #3874)

A few years ago, I discussed how pickleball had become the fastest-growing sport in America. I was amused at the time but didn’t think any more about it. Fads come and go all the time. But boy, was I wrong. Just the other day, I was reading an article about the fact that pickleball was…

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Yo-Yo Champion (MM #3728)

Children’s toys come and go. Some toys like Barbie have been popular for decades. But some toys are just simply fads. Back in my younger days, we all met the Duncan Yo-Yo Champion and kept a yo-yo with us all the time. But kids today couldn’t care less. I wonder what happened…  

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Fads And Trends (MM #1533)

What determines if something; let’s say a product, becomes an item that endures the test of time rather than simply is a fad that quickly comes and goes? There has to be a simple explanation why some things are just fads and trends while others stand the test of time…

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Sriracha (MM #1459)

I enjoy things that are hot and spicy, and my cabinets are filled with a variety of hot sauces, but I truly don;t understand why everyone is so infatuated with sriracha sauce. Why is it the hot hot sauce of the moment? Is this just a passing thing?

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