
Need A Break (MM #5103)

It’s strange to say this, but the Spring Break season is upon us. Nashville schools are off this week, and many other districts across the country will be off over the next six weeks or so. My nephews will be heading out next weekend for their vacation. All of them need a break. At least,…

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Get Enough Sleep (MM #5101)

It’s a problem that most of us have throughout our lives. We never seem to get enough sleep. When we’re young, we never want to rest. We have the fear of missing out. We have schoolwork to do, or more importantly, a party we can’t miss. As we age, we catch up on work or…

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Celebrating (MM #5027)

Today is my wife’s birthday. As we often do, we’re celebrating with family. It’s a combined Christmas and birthday celebration. When my wife was younger, she frequently got together with family to enjoy Christmas and her birthday combined. That’s one of the significant downfalls of having a birthday that falls so close to Christmas. The…

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After The Game (MM #4625)

Friday, we decided to surprise my sister-in-law and her family by attending the Semi-State playoff game in which two of her sons played. We didn’t tell our nephews beforehand because we didn’t want to take their minds off their usual game prep. Sadly, they lost, and their season is over. And while many were upset…

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Bundle Of Nerves (MM #4622)

I don’t often get nervous. I attribute that to my years tagging along with my father throughout his radio and TV career, followed by my 25+ year media career. I’ve been on stage in front of tens of thousands of people. I’ve hung out with hundreds of celebrities and been in meetings with too many…

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Estranged (MM #4599)

Over the weekend, Nashville made the national news again. The estranged son of Nashville’s Chief of Police shot two officers in the nearby suburb of La Vergne. There’s no doubt that the shooting was newsworthy. But something that seemed odd to me was how many stories focused on the relationship, or lack thereof, between the…

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Another Hurricane (MM #4543)

My parents in Florida are bracing for another hurricane. The projections show that this one, Idalia, should make land about an hour north of where they live. They’ve lived in Florida for many years, so they stay prepared if the hurricane changes course at the last minute. These hurricanes often stress me out more than…

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Sacrifice (MM #4534)

My father-in-law passed away over the weekend. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 4 years ago, and we witnessed how cruel it is. We think he could have suffered for a few years prior but never experienced the associated tremors that so many have. From the moment I met him, he made me feel welcome….

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Missing In Action (MM #4450)

While I’ve always felt strongly about Memorial Day, this year, the meaning of this holiday hits closer to home. Earlier this year, I discovered that I had a family member who lost his life in service to our country. My great uncle, Clarence Ling, was listed as missing in action during World War II. He…

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So Much Noise (MM #4386)

When I was young, many accused me of making lots of noise. I never understood why people said that. Today, I question if I was that loud. When my nieces and nephews visit, they show me the true meaning of loud. I don’t know how such tiny people can make so much noise. Sometimes it’s…

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