
Hurricane Season (MM #2027)

I loathe hurricane season. I know, it really shouldn’t effect me since I live in Tennessee, but it does. The majority of my family live in Florida, and you know the story there…

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Heading South (MM #1941)

It’s vacation time, and some of our friends and family are heading south this month. An old Ohio co-worker and his family are vacationing here in Music City, while much of our Indiana family is heading to further south. Both my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and the respective families are making the trek to Florida to…

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Never Enough Time (MM #1844)

Whenever we go to visit family there is never enough time for everyone. There truly aren’t enough hours in the day to catch up with the entire family. An now that we have a bunch of nieces and nephews time is even more precious…

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Round-trip Travel Time (MM #1712)

I’ve been a road warrior most of my life. I’ve driven hundreds of thousands of miles up and down the highway, but recently I’ve noticed something unique about round-trip travel time. And it makes perfect sense to me…

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Wonderful Problem To Have (MM #1708)

I was just thinking back to my younger days and some of the lonely holidays I’d prefer to forget. Fortunately with all the family and friends in our life we never have to worry about being alone on the holidays. In fact we had numerous Thanksgiving dinner invitations. And that’s a wonderful problem to have…

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The Shared Experience (MM #1532)

When I traveled to Ohio last I found out something about myself that I never knew before. I found out that it was possible to actually care about people simply based on a shared experience. The shared experience creates a bond that transcends some many parameters of life…

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Success (MM #1519)

Success. You can look up the word in the dictionary and while they offer a definition, it may not necessarily be how you would define the word. That’s because we all truly look at success differently…

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Family Traits (MM #1511)

There are some things that are passed from generation to generation. No, I’m not talking old family photos or grandma’s old quilt. I’m talking about those special family traits…

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Cataract Surgery (MM #1416)

There’s nothing to fear now, but I’ve begun to prepare for the inevitable. We have a history of cataracts in my family and my doctor told me I’ll probably have to someday have cataract surgery. Hopefully not too soon…

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The Longest Drive (MM #1348)

No matter what the distance, that drive you make heading home from the holidays always seems so long…

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