
New Favorite (MM #4902)

Have you seen the commercial for the new Sonic Smasher hamburger? It has the theme of a press conference talking about how they think it will be your new favorite burger. Of course, for many, it may simply be commercial hype. But there’s an interesting message behind the commercial that’s pretty deep. A favorite is…

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D.I.D. #12 (MM #506)

We’ve come to the end of our weekly Desert Island Disc podcast series.  If you missed any or all of the previous episodes you can catch up on all of them HERE…

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D.I.D. #11 (MM #499)

Today we have the 11th in our weekly Desert Island Disc series of podcasts.  If you missed any or all of the earlier Friday D.I.D. podcasts, you can catch up on all of them HERE…

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D.I.D. #10 (MM #492)

Today we have the 10th of 12 in our weekly Desert Island Disc series of podcasts.  If you missed any or all of the first nine Friday D.I.D. podcasts, you can catch up on all of them HERE…

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D.I.D. #9 (MM #485)

Today is the 9th in our weekly Desert Island Disc series of podcasts.  If you missed any or all of the first eight Friday D.I.D. podcasts, you can catch up on all of them HERE…

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D.I.D. #8 (MM #478)

Today we have the 8th in our ongoing Desert Island Disc series of podcasts.  If you missed any or all of the first seven Friday D.I.D. podcasts, you can catch up on all of them HERE…

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D.I.D. #7 (MM #471)

Today we bring you the 7th in our series of Desert Island Disc podcasts.  If you missed any or all of the first six Friday D.I.D. podcasts, you can catch up on all of them HERE…

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D.I.D. #6 (MM #464)

Today we’ve reached the midway point in our Desert Island Disc podcasts.  If you missed the first five Friday D.I.D. podcasts, you can catch up on all of them HERE…

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D.I.D. #5 (MM #457)

Today we have the fifth installment in our Friday Desert Island Disc podcasts.  If you missed the first four D.I.D. podcasts, you can catch up on each of them HERE…

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D.I.D. #4 (MM #450)

Today it’s the fourth installment in our Friday Desert Island Disc podcasts.  If you missed the first three D.I.D. podcasts, you can catch up on each of them HERE…

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