
Cash Back (MM #4915)

Every time we turn around, someone seems to have their hand in our pockets. Businesses continue to find creative ways to separate you from your money. Some will say they’re still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. And while this may be true for small businesses, many companies are making record profits. But it’s still not…

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Hidden Costs (MM #4466)

Prices are rising for everything in our lives. And while I understand cost increases to a point, I get the sense that many companies are simply being greedy. They raise prices because they can get away with it. But the worst part about this game is the hidden costs. It’s one thing for a business…

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Added Fees (MM #3248)

Added fees seem to be everywhere these days. You’ll often find these secret add-ons attached to concert tickets, airline tickets, and cell phone bills. Those fees have become commonplace. But you’ll never believe some of the crazy additions I’ve heard about…

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