first world problems

Even Numbers (MM #5086)

Like many guys my age, I’ll never be as rich or skinny as I’d like. But I shouldn’t complain. Most of my objections in life are petty. But there are some things that drive me crazy. There’s one small thing I’ve been bothered by for years. When you dine at a restaurant, why do appetizers…

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Ruin My Night (MM #5013)

Every so often, I have to remind myself that most of my problems are first-world problems. Even though I sometimes complain, I have a great life. But I do have an Achilles heel. Like so many people, I’m addicted to the internet. I’m not one of those people who is always on their phone, but…

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Drop An Ice Cube (MM #3099)

Sometimes we all get bothered by the simplest things. For instance, I truly hate when I drop an ice cube on the floor. In our house there’s never enough ice. So who can afford to lose one…

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Squeaky Seat (MM #2888)

Just when you think you’ve experienced everything you find out that you were wrong. My new toilet seat squeaks when it’s lifted. After all these years of using the bathroom I had no clue that a squeaky seat was even possible…

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Ice Cubes (MM #2097)

I can whine and complain about my life, but I truly have it pretty good. How bad can life be when you’re concerned with ice cubes? I know I lead a privileged life. If I’m thinking about ice cubes, life can’t be too terrible…

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Fast Forward (MM #1942)

I realize that many of my problems are just first world problems. The other night I couldn’t fast forward through one of the programs I recorded on my DVR. I truly understand that with everything that’s going on in the world, I should get over it and move on. Give me sixty seconds and I’ll…

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Difficult Decisions (MM #1843)

I’m not kidding myself, I have a pretty good life. But every now and then I have some difficult decisions to make. They’re usually just first world problems. And to many people that means they aren’t truly a big deal. But for me this new issue is a BIG one…

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Standard Definition (MM #1785)

Recently I started having issues with watching TV in HD. All of the sudden my HD channels were gone and I was forced to watch TV in standard definition. I know, this may seem like a first world problem, and it is. But I have an excuse… my eyesight isn;t as good as it once…

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Always The Same Question (MM #1382)

My wife and I rarely argue, but there are things that we have deep discussions about on a regular basis…

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First World Problems (MM #1317)

I know that sometimes I’m come off sounding like some cranky ole whiner. I realize that compared to so many people I have few problems. But….

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