
Madden (MM #5030)

If you have teenagers at home, they’re likely playing video games. And you can often say the same things about younger and older kids, too. Video games are everywhere. And even though I’m not a huge fan, I sometimes enjoy watching my nephews play games against one another. The other night, there was an NFL…

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Overtime (MM #5003)

I’ve been following sports for a long time. Some of my earliest memories are going to games with my father when he did radio play-by-play. I followed in his footsteps for a short time in my radio career. And while I haven’t stayed obsessed with sports throughout my life, I still keep up with most…

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SNF, MNF, TNF (MM #4982)

Everyone knows that the NFL is the biggest sport in America and perhaps the world. They took their championship game and branded it as the Super Bowl; the rest is history. And in recent years, they’ve added new acronyms to our vocabulary. Perhaps you’ve seen them: SNF, MNF, TNF. They’re all used in shining the…

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Season Is Changing (MM #4918)

It’s been a sweltering summer. But you can finally see that the season is changing. It’s not because the temperatures are dropping or the leaves are changing color. You can see that Fall is here because the football season is in full swing. The college games started last week, and the NFL is back this…

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Kickoff (MM #4899)

Football fans have been paying close attention to this year’s preseason games. During the off-season, NFL owners agreed to new rules for the kickoff. They’ve adapted what the XFL used a couple of years ago. So far, reviews are mixed. Some love the changes, while football purists already hate them. The overall goal is to…

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Transfer Portal (MM #4646)

The college football season is winding down on the field. The bowl games are all left to play over the next month. I have a few friends that are obsessed with college football. Of course, they have a favorite team with nothing to do with where they went to school and have a fantastic knowledge…

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Weather Delays (MM #4564)

Recently, numerous weather delays have occurred during college and pro football games. Back in my younger days, there were no delays for severe weather. They played the game no matter the conditions. So when did this change? I know this weather protocol has existed for a few years, but I can’t remember when they changed…

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Friday Night Lights (MM #4531)

In many towns across America, tonight’s a big night. It’s the first night of the high school football season. For most of my life, I’ve paid little attention to the tradition of Friday Night Lights. But since a couple of my nephews started playing football, I’ve started following the game. Football on Friday nights wasn’t…

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Summer Is Over (MM #4530)

Have you heard the news? Summer is over, or at least that’s what I read on Facebook, or was it Twitter? Sure, the temperature was near 100 degrees last week, but Fall must be here. Nearly a dozen friends found Halloween decorations in stores this week, so Summer has to be in the rearview mirror….

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The Big Game (MM #4344)

It’s Super Bowl Sunday, or the day of the big game, as most people must say. I understand that the NFL has spent a lot of money to protect its trademark. But why do we have to tap dance around the game’s name? Everybody can talk about the World Series in baseball, but in football,…

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