getting older

Ringing Phone (MM #2389)

A ringing phone used to be something exciting. But now with texting and email we tend to use the phone only when necessary. And that usually means bad news…

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New Shows (MM #2383)

The new TV season has begun, and some new shows have already debuted. As a kid I used to love when the new fall shows hit the airwaves. But now…

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Funerals And Weddings (MM #2374)

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day when I saw a post from my friend Bob. He summed up life for many of us. Life, is funerals and weddings when you reach a certain age. Sadly, we’ve reached that age…

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Bad Back (MM #2369)

I’ve suffered from a bad back for years. I hurt it playing basketball when I was in my teens and it still acts up every now and then. I admit, I have no one to blame but myself…

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Stubborn (MM #2365)

Some people say that I can be a bit stubborn at times. And that may be true, but I really do get it honestly. My parents proved that over the weekend when they decided to ride out the storm we know as Hurricane Irma…

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Side Effects (MM #2360)

It’s almost impossible to avoid the barrage of drug ads on TV.  And the list of side effects for most of these drugs gets longer and longer. I’ve also noticed that these side effects are getting stranger too…

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Cheaters (MM #2341)

Some words mean different things to different people. Take cheaters for example. To a young person it’s someone who is dishonest. But when you get older…

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Knees And Hips (MM #2335)

This may sound strange, but the human body is a lot like a car.  Take your knees and hips, they’re a lot like struts and tires.  When those parts wear out…

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Through The Years (MM #2319)

Through the years I’ve met a lot people and lived in a lot of places. And every now and then I wonder what has happened to a few of them. But it’s tough to reconnect if they don;t do the social media thing…

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Old Whistling Man (MM #2310)

Let’s face it, there are so many signs that you’re getting older. One of those signs is becoming an old whistling man. And sadly, guess what I started doing…

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