getting older

Grade School Memories (MM #3107)

Many people like to reminisce about their younger days. You know, for some the good ole days. But for me, my grade school memories are pretty spotty. Sure it’s been a long time, but I have to admit that I’ve also lived a whole lot…

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Not So Subtle Reminder (MM #3080)

Every now and then life offers up a not so subtle reminder of just how old I am. Many times these reminders involve body aches and pains. But sometimes…

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Strange Occurrence (MM #3065)

I had what I guess you’d call a very strange occurrence over the weekend. Fortunately it was good strange. But this threw me for a little bit of a loop. Let me explain…

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Refreshing Honesty (MM #3058)

I’ve always prided myself in being honest. But recently I’ve had a few people tell me that they appreciate my refreshing honesty. And that makes me wonder, what’s so refreshing?

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Notes (MM #3049)

Over the last few years I’ve found that in order to remember something I have to write a note. And in many cases I need multiple notes. I don;t think that I’m getting forgetful, or am I…

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Just Another Day (MM #3047)

I know that I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a big birthday person. Even when I was younger, I always felt that my birthday was just another day. And that definitely hasn’t changed as I’ve gotten older. And that makes me wonder why some people love their birthday while others like me, don’t…

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Bumps And Bruises (MM #3036)

As a kid, we get bumps and bruises all the time. As we get older, they don;t happen quite as often. But when they do, I find that I often wonder how they happened…

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Age Is Just A Number (MM #3023)

We’ve all heard that worn out adage; age is just a number. And while it just sounds like words when you’re young, as you get older it can hit home. I don;t consider myself old, until I’m reminded…

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Restless Night (MM #3019)

Like many I have trouble sleeping from time to time. Lately I have some good nights and some bad. But for me, having a restless night is the worst thing to deal with…

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Normal (MM #2986)

To many people, normal is a synonym for boring. But as we get older, we find that normal isn’t a bad thing. And right now, I’d just love for life to get back to…

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