
Home Delivery (MM #5105)

We live in a busy world. Many of us are busier than we’ve been in our lifetime. Even with all the conveniences we now can access, we can’t escape being busy. Thanks to technology, we can do so much. Don’t have time to go grocery shopping, you can opt for home delivery. Many stores like…

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Your Shopping Cart (MM #5047)

One of our most significant concerns is inflation. Many people feel the price of filling their shopping cart keeps going up. And while it may seem that the price of everything is climbing, that may not be true. National Public Radio has been tracking the price of everyday food items for the last six years…

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Tax Free (MM #4150)

Over the weekend, we had our annual sales tax holiday, or tax-free weekend as it’s known to most people. Most families can save a lot of money when shopping for school items. And even if you don’t have kids, there are still ways to save on some things you might need. I usually avoid most…

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Expiration Date (MM #3768)

Nearly every product in the grocery store now carries an expiration date. This date is supposed to signify when something is best used by. But recent research has proven that many of these dates are not the actual product best by dates. Many of these dates are likely chose to get you to add more…

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Rising Prices (MM #3599)

We’re all used to rising prices at the grocery. Even though we don’t like it, it’s a fact of life. COVID-19 caused many producers to hike prices over the last 6 months. But they’re not done. Soon, you will see a big jump in prices in one grocery aisle. And the reason is interesting…  

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Limit Of Two (MM #3297)

For the last couple of weeks a trip to the grocery store has become maddening. Many items aren’t in stock and when you find something to buy they’ve imposed a limit of two items. If we can only buy two canned goods how are we expected to stay out of the stores? We’re supposed to…

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Personal Shoppers (MM #2582)

Personal shoppers have been around for a long time.  But now, thanks to technology they’re available to more people.  But one thing bothers me about personal shoppers…

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Shop Til You Drop (MM #386)

I went grocery shopping the other day with my wife.   It was draining, in more ways than one…

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