growing up

Smiles (MM #5079)

We visited Indiana to see some of our nieces and nephews for Valentine’s Day. It’s always a good time, and we never get to spend as much time as we’d like. But one of the greatest feelings is walking into the room and seeing them for the first time in a while. The smile that…

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Conditioned (MM #4025)

Growing up, were you conditioned to clean your plate? I was. I’ve long been a member of the clean plate club. But for many, that causes weight issues in adulthood. That fact is something I understand. And I know who to blame, me…

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Growing Up (MM #4014)

Let’s face it; Growing up is tough. When you’re young, the years never move fast enough. And as a parent, the time seems to fly. That’s why I love being an Uncle. I see the change in my nieces and nephews every time I see them. And I’m able to enjoy everything about them becoming…

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Dear Abby (MM #3040)

Like many, when I was growing up I used to read Dear Abby in the daily newspaper. When Abigail Van Buren retired in the late 80’s I thought that her advice column went away. Boy, was I wrong…

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Working Around The House (MM #2762)

Last weekend, my wife and I were working around the house. We had to do some yard work and a couple of minor repairs. And it hit me; we need a ton of tools to maintain our home. Many more than my parents did back in the day…

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Junior High (MM #2545)

I was thinking about my Junior High years the other day.  Junior High is that time of life when we become aware of the real world.  At least I thought we all became aware of the world…

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Worldly (MM #2502)

I’ve always felt that I was a fairly worldly person. Okay, I may not be the most sophisticated, but I’m definitely very shrewd and practical. But am I really?

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Goodbye Fran (MM #2157)

I was scrolling through Facebook yesterday when I learned that the mother of one of my dearest friends had passed away. So today I say, goodbye Fran. I hadn’t seen Fran in years, but kept up with my life through Facebook. Isn’t that what we all do these days?

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Pay Attention (MM #2078)

I always learn something when I spend time with my nieces and nephews. Over the holiday I learned that we all just yearn for someone to pay attention to us….

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Young And Talented (MM #1542)

I’ve noticed that there seem to be so many young and talented people in our world today. And that made me wonder was that also the case when I was younger? I never noticed. I was too busy trying to get ahead…

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