
Happy And Healthy (MM #5033)

The new year is here. And these days, it isn’t enough to wish people a happy new year. Most people want to wish you a happy and healthy new year. They might even hope that it’s a prosperous one, too. Most people say these things because they feel obligated. For many, these are just words….

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Happiest (MM #4203)

The last few years have been stressful for almost all of us. Researchers believe where we live plays into our mood and mental health. So they’ve been putting together data to figure out the happiest state across the U.S. It shouldn’t surprise you that it’s Hawaii. But where the rest of the states rank says…

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Smiling (MM #2524)

I realize that this is audio, so you can’t tell that I’m smiling a bit more today.  This has nothing to do with my recent trip to the dentist.  Today, is one of my favorite days of the year…

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Overly Emotional (MM #2416)

I feel like I’m getting more emotional as I get older. In fact, at times I’m becoming overly emotional. Now I’m not sure if this is just part of getting older or our world right now is the cause…

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