
More Streetlights (MM #5114)

Yesterday, we discussed a couple of the items that Nashville is trying to improve: sidewalks and bike lanes. But as my wife often declares, that’s not a real problem. She thinks we need more streetlights. That isn’t a priority in Middle Tennessee. Our streets have always seemed dark. And the interstates in both Tennessee and…

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Guard Rails (MM #2192)

You can tell a lot about a city by the condition of its guard rails. Just drive down the highway or interstate and you’ll find out how people drive. In Nashville, we have a lot of mangled guard rails, and a lot of bad drivers. This is no coincidence…

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Truck Stops (MM #1501)

I’ve been driving for over 35 years and so much has changed; that’s obvious. When I was on the road to Indiana recently I realized that in the old days I used to try to seek out a decent gas station. But now the choice is obvious, I pause at the truck stop…

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