kevin mason

Punched (MM #4954)

I’ve been under the weather for the last two days. I’m achy and feel like I got punched in the shoulder. My wife and I got our flu shot and COVID booster on Saturday afternoon. We’ve gotten both this time of year for the last few years. Sometimes the shots don’t bother me. Other times,…

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Double Space (MM #4953)

It’s tough being a baby boomer these days. We see it when you roll your eyes at us. Yes, we’re stuck in our ways, but so was the generation before us. That’s just the way the world works. And while some ‘rules’ change throughout our lifetime, it’s sometimes difficult to adapt. For example, when did…

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Northern Lights (MM #4952)

The Northern Lights have been all over social media the last few days. Pictures of the fantastic light show are filling my Facebook and Instagram feeds. Usually, most of us have to travel to faraway places like Greenland, Norway, or Iceland to see them. Here in the U.S., you can sometimes see them in Alaska….

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Not So Smart (MM #4951)

I love my smart devices. I have a wide variety of smart speakers. Amazon produces some, and some come from Google. I even have a few TV sticks that connect to either system. But over the last few years, I’ve noticed they’re not so smart. When they work, they’re great. But when they don’t, they…

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Life Span (MM #4950)

For years we’ve heard that Americans are living longer. Since 1960, the average life span has increased by seven and a half years. But experts say living longer shouldn’t be where we focus. We need to think about our health span. Our health span is the number of years that we spend in good health….

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Rich And Famous (MM #4949)

Many people have dreams of being rich and famous. And while it sounds good in theory, it’s not easy to be either or both. Through the years, I’ve spent a bunch of time hanging out with celebrities. Some play music, others are actors, and some are just rich. And I’ve learned that it’s not easy…

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Dining Outdoors (MM #4948)

I know I’m oversimplifying this, but there are two types of people: those who like dining outdoors and those who don’t. I’m only kidding, but perhaps I’m not. Even as a kid, I never enjoyed eating outside. I don’t know why. I’ve done it hundreds, maybe even thousands of times, but given the option, I’ll…

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Best Before (MM #4947)

For decades, products have had expiration dates. However, many companies are vague about the shelf life of their products. Rather than use words like expires by, they use best before or sell by. However, consumers can interpret these words in different ways. California has passed a law that goes into effect in 2026 to change…

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Better Known As (MM #4946)

For many years, I’ve had an issue when people use the word friend. What does it mean? There are varying levels, so what constitutes friendship to you might differ for me. Because we’re friends on Facebook, are we really that in the real world? I lost a friend, or acquaintance if you prefer, late last…

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Big Mac (MM #4945)

The Big Mac has been one of McDonald’s most popular sandwiches for over 50 years. Initially created to compete with the Big Boy Double Decker Burger, it went nationwide in 1968. The sandwich was an immediate hit. Known for its catchy jingle in the 1970s and its secret sauce, the Big Mac, has never left…

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