kevin mason

Pop Culture (MM #4508)

I’ve been a collector for decades. It all started with political campaign buttons back in the 1960s. I’ve collected a wide variety, most centered on pop culture. I always said that someday I’d start to sell my collection. And after years of moving my stuff from town to town, it’s time to be a seller…

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A Little Petty (MM #4507)

Perhaps I’m being a little petty, but that doesn’t bother me. One of my pet peeves is when one of my subscription services decides to raise its price, but I read about it online days or weeks before I get notified by email. It’s happened with Netflix, and this week it’s happening with Spotify. I…

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Upgrade (MM #4506)

In recent years, many developers have changed their business model for apps and web tools. Many relied on advertising to make their money, but times are changing. Now, they provide a free version of an app or tool but limit what it can do. Their goal is to get you to upgrade to a paid…

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New Outlet Mall (MM #4505)

Back in my younger days, I spent a lot of time in malls, shopping centers, and outlets. Throughout my high school and college years, I worked in the mall and on the radio. I don’t spend as much time shopping anymore, but I frequently notice how much retail shopping has changed. They’re building a new…

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Swedish Fish (MM #4504)

When reaching for a sweet treat, many people turn to chocolate. I love chocolate but usually prefer something fruity. But when choosing candy, I often opt for Twizzlers, Red Vines, or Swedish Fish. Occasionally, my wife will pick up a couple of boxes at the store. And while I enjoy them, I can’t figure out…

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This Fall (MM #4503)

This Fall, things will look much different than usual. I’m not talking about politics or the weather, although they’ll likely have an influence. I’m talking about your television screen. Every Summer, about this time, the TV networks start promoting their new prime-time shows. But thanks to both the writers and actors walking the picket line,…

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Picket Lines (MM #4502)

Television and movie writers went on strike over two months ago. In the last few weeks, they’ve been joined on the picket lines by the actors and actresses of SAG-AFTRA. People showed concern when the writers walked off the job. But now, everyone’s obsessed since celebrities started walking…

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Fossils (MM #4501)

Like many people, I have a fascination for paleontology. The study of dinosaurs and fossils has interested me since I was in grade school. To look at a rock or some bones frozen in time for millions of years and learn from it boggles my mind. The recent discovery of a bird fossil has given…

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Sidewalks (MM #4500)

Here in Nashville, we’re obsessed with sidewalks. It has been one of the primary campaign issues for many of the people currently running for mayor. As a campaign promise, they’re right at the top with safer schools and affordable housing. Nashville has never been one of the most walkable cities. We never made it a…

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Identifying Insects (MM #4499)

Back in high school, one of our projects in Biology class was identifying insects. It wasn’t my favorite assignment, but at least it was better than dissecting the fetal pig. I never thought I’d spend time doing it again, but my wife and I were doing just that the other night. We spent the evening…

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