kevin mason

Dirty Laundry (MM #5035)

We wrapped up our winter break yesterday and got back to the office. And without fail, I already have three co-workers who are out with the flu. They caught it during the holidays. It happens to many of us. It’s almost impossible to avoid cold and flu season this time of year. We must wash…

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Set My Alarm (MM #5034)

I went to bed last night and did something I hadn’t had to do in 10 days. I set my alarm. I love my job, but hate the sound of my alarm every morning. When I worked in radio, I worked many different shifts, and my wakeup time was rarely the same. Now that I…

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Happy And Healthy (MM #5033)

The new year is here. And these days, it isn’t enough to wish people a happy new year. Most people want to wish you a happy and healthy new year. They might even hope that it’s a prosperous one, too. Most people say these things because they feel obligated. For many, these are just words….

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Oblivious (MM #5032)

They say the holidays bring out the worst in people. I don’t know if that’s true, but there is one thing that I know. Many people are oblivious this time of year. I don’t know if people show that trait as the year ends or if we just see an overwhelming amount of people during…

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Jimmy Carter (MM #5031)

Jimmy Carter passed away yesterday at the age of 100. Your age likely dictates how you view our 39th President. His years in the White House coincide with my years in High School. And he was running for reelection the year I could vote for the first time. For many, he is better known for…

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Madden (MM #5030)

If you have teenagers at home, they’re likely playing video games. And you can often say the same things about younger and older kids, too. Video games are everywhere. And even though I’m not a huge fan, I sometimes enjoy watching my nephews play games against one another. The other night, there was an NFL…

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Neon Signs (MM #5029)

I’ve long been fascinated with neon signs. The glow of their lights is one of my earliest childhood memories. One of my hobbies is to take photos of them whenever I get the chance. Anytime I travel, I’m always on the lookout for a sign I’ve never seen. Nashville’s tourist area, Lower Broadway, is filled…

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Not Sure (MM #5028)

I don’t know if you experience this, but it throws my whole week off kilter whenever Christmas falls on a Wednesday. It’s not a bad thing. But since my routine is thrown off, I’m not sure what day it is. I know it’s Friday, but it sure doesn’t feel like one. I’m not complaining; it…

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Celebrating (MM #5027)

Today is my wife’s birthday. As we often do, we’re celebrating with family. It’s a combined Christmas and birthday celebration. When my wife was younger, she frequently got together with family to enjoy Christmas and her birthday combined. That’s one of the significant downfalls of having a birthday that falls so close to Christmas. The…

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Playing Santa (MM #5026)

Yesterday, I talked about my longtime love for NORAD’s Santa Tracker. Another one of my favorite holiday memories is playing Santa. Looking at me, you might think this was a recent event. While I’ve spent most of my adult life built like the jolly fat man, I actually wore the red suit over 40 years…

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