kevin mason

The Wienermobile (MM #4407)

One of the most iconic symbols of advertising and marketing here in America is the Oscar Mayer Wienermoble. It’s been around since the 1930s. The other night, my wife and I saw the Wienermobile rolling through town while we ran errands. I’ve always loved that ‘hot dog on wheels’; and get excited whenever I see…

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Loaded Tots (MM #4406)

Domino’s has been running a commercial lately discussing how disappointing it is to order fries only to have them arrive soggy. Their solution to this problem is loaded, tots. Like many people, I love tater tots, but two things bother me about this solution. First, if you want to eat french fries, you want fries….

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Free Returns (MM #4405)

Over the last couple of decades, Amazon has become one of the biggest online retailers in the world. And one of the best parts about shopping on the site is that they offer free returns. You don’t even have to put your item back in the box. Just take them back to Kohl’s, Whole Foods,…

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Beer Sales (MM #4404)

Major League Baseball has been struggling for years. The game that we called America’s pastime has become less relevant. Young people say it’s too long and it’s boring. So the MLB has been making changes. This year, they hope to shorten the games and increase scoring. Two weeks into the season, the new changes are…

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Tupperware (MM #4403)

A once proud American company may be shutting down thanks to a pending bankruptcy. Tupperware, the legendary company famous for its plastic storage systems, may have burped its last lid. For decades, people attended home parties to buy their kitchen containers. And that may be part of the reason they have to say goodbye…

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Mad Magazine (MM #4402)

For many Baby Boomers, Mad Magazine played a significant role in their life. It’s where many of us first learned about satire and politics. One of the primary components of the magazine, Al Jaffee, passed away the other day. He was 102. Jaffee is best known for creating the fold-in on the inside back cover….

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How Are You Feeling? (MM #4401)

Usually, when you greet people on Monday morning, you ask them what they did over the weekend. You might even ask them if they watched the big game. But in our office, we usually ask how are you feeling? Most of us suffer from allergies. And this time of year, many of us are suffering….

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Deviled Eggs (MM #4400)

For many people, including myself, deviled eggs were always a part of the big Easter meal. It makes sense. Since the eggs we searched for on Easter morning were hard-boiled, we had to consume them quickly. I always thought it was odd the ‘deviled’ eggs were a big part of a church holiday. Of course,…

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Barbie (MM #4399)

If you hadn’t heard anything about it until this week, you probably now know about the upcoming Barbie movie. It’s scheduled to be released in July and will star Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. I had heard that there was a movie in the works, but after seeing the previews, I was left very confused….

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Cute (MM #4398)

Some words paint pictures in our minds. One of those words, in my opinion, is cute. But the one thing I’ve always thought is that it paints a unique picture for each one of us. What I visualize when I think cute isn’t the same thing you see. And even though we envision something different,…

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