kevin mason

Steak And Ale (MM #4357)

Back in the day, if you wanted to impress a date, you took them to a fancy restaurant like Steak And Ale. They were famous for their prime rib and extensive salad bar. But, like many popular restaurant chains, they were sold one too many times and faded away in the early 2000s. Well, news…

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High School Basketball (MM #4356)

Over the years, I haven’t paid much attention to high school basketball. I cared when I sat on the bench in high school and even did some play-by-play broadcasts on the radio when I first started my professional career. But until this year, with one of my nephews playing, I finally started paying attention again….

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Separate Checks (MM #4355)

My wife and I have been together for a long time. And there’s one strange issue we’ve been dealing with since we started dating. Sometimes, when dining out, the waitress asks if we want separate checks when it’s time to pay. It doesn’t happen every time, but it happens more than my wife would like….

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Willing To Pay (MM #4354)

For years, many social media companies have wondered whether you’d be willing to pay for extra services. We’re about to find out as Twitter and Meta (Facebook and Instagram) are about to offer paid verification for their sites. Having a blue check mark next to your name on any of these platforms has been a…

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King Cake (MM #4353)

Today is Fat Tuesday, and I’ve always found it interesting that Catholics and people who love Mardi Gras understand the true meaning behind the day. Most people just associate this day with the traditional King Cake. And while most people only think about them around the start of Lent, Fat Tuesday is really just the…

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Today (MM #4352)

In most states, today is a holiday. But the one you celebrate depends on where you live. In some states, this is President’s Day. Or it could be Presidents’ Day. Elsewhere you could be honoring our leaders without an apostrophe. That’s not all. If you live in certain parts of the country, you might have…

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Easier To Watch (MM #4351)

Have you ever noticed that some sports are easier to watch on television than in person? One of my nephews is a high school swimmer. The other night we were able to watch him swim on television. We could see the entire pool. But when you’re at the event in person, you can only see…

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Quick Trips (MM #4350)

I’ve always loved traveling. And if I have a choice, I prefer taking a car whenever possible. Sure, flying may be easier for some travel, but quick trips in the car are the best. But, as I’ve gotten older, I find that there’s no such thing as quick. Road trips take time; to prepare…

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Beautiful And Sad (MM #4349)

Let’s be honest; aging is not fun. Yes, there are some things we can do to fight off much of the inevitable, but there are some things over which we have no control. I’ve noticed from a recent spike in TV commercials memory loss is a concern for many. For some of us, memories can…

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Inconvenienced (MM #4348)

I’ve always been a thinker, but as I’ve gotten older, I spend more time being reflective. I spend a lot of time trying to understand the world around me. And over the years, I’ve noticed that people don’t care whether they’re right or wrong. They never want to be inconvenienced. I think that’s where our…

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