kevin mason

Every State (MM #4117)

We’ve reached that point of the year where every state adds some new laws. I’ve often wondered why July 1st is the day that new state laws go into effect. This year, it seems that most new rules are work-related…

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8 Seconds (MM #4116)

The other day, I read an article stating that our attention span is now only 8 seconds. Of course, that’s exaggerating a bit, but they’re making a good point. If you want to grab someone’s attention, you’ve got to do it quickly…

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Frozen Food (MM #4115)

Some things that we ate years ago aren’t as popular today. Until recently, you could still find them in stores. But walk down the frozen food aisle, and some items that have been around forever may be missing. Part of that is due to the supply chain, but there’s another reason you can’t find these…

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Apartment Fires (MM #4114)

Anyone who’s ever lived in multi-unit housing fears apartment fires. While you keep track of your life habits, you can’t be sure that every neighbor does the same. Last week we had two large fires in Nashville apartment complexes. These tragedies displaced roughly 40 families. And at this point, no one knows the cause. But…

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Macaroni And Cheese (MM #4113)

One of the staples in most kitchen pantries is Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. For most kids, that brand introduces them to what becomes a lifetime favorite. But some changes are coming, and one seems a little silly…

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Celebrity Restaurants (MM #4112)

Famous people have been investing in or owning restaurants for as long as many of us can remember. Celebrity Restaurants tend to come and go. And often, it has nothing to do with the name on the sign. Nashville has a long history of restaurants using celebrity names. The other day I read a funny…

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Out Of Office (MM #4111)

When heading out on vacation, many people leave an out-of-office message on their email and voicemail. It’s a simple courtesy to let people know you likely won’t be responding for a day or two; or even for a week. But those simple messages don’t stop some people who want something immediately. It’s been going on…

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Cryptocurrency (MM #4110)

Cryptocurrency seems to be one of the hottest investment trends over the last few years. And while there’s a lot of buzz surrounding this new form of investment, it still makes many people nervous. I understand the theory behind the concept, but I’m still confused. Perhaps it should be left to people who can afford…

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New Stadium (MM #4109)

For many sports fans, the in-person experience is most important. And for many NFL teams, a new or renovated stadium is always on the mind of team owners. Even though most owners are billionaires, they usually want someone to pay for that new stadium. Today, Nashville and Cleveland are discussing the prospects of replacing their…

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Charging Cables (MM #4108)

The European Union recently ruled that phone and tablet makers will have to start using USB-C charging cables and ports. Of course, Apple is the company that will see the most impact from this. And while those rules don’t affect us, they could very soon…

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