
Yoga Pants (MM #4741)

You hear people often joke about how Walmart shoppers dress. They wear pajamas and slippers or ill-fitting sweatpants when they shop. But one thing I’ve noticed about the new Nashville is that you rarely see people wearing sweats. For women, the latest choice is yoga pants, and for men, track pants or a full tracksuit….

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Loungewear (MM #3517)

Since I’m a big guy, I often have to do my clothes shopping online to find my size. And recently I’ve noticed that many stores are really pushing loungewear. I remember when they used to be called sweatshirts and sweatpants…

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Leisurely Sunday (MM #1824)

I know that as we get older things change. Life changes. It comes with the territory. But that doesn’t stop me of dreaming of a leisurely Sunday. I used to enjoy them back in my younger days, but now…

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