
Over-Tourism (MM #4860)

Nashville has been a part of my life since my first unplanned visit during my freshman year of college. And it’s hard to believe I’ve lived here for 17 years. It’s the longest I’ve lived in one place throughout my lifetime. And a lot has changed through the years. Nashville barely resembles the town I…

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Limitations (MM #4859)

Yesterday, I was thinking back to the days when I was fearless. And it’s not just me. When we’re young, almost nothing will stop us. If we want it bad enough, we’ll do whatever it takes to try to achieve it. Sometimes, that lack of fear is just foolishness. But as we get older, we…

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No Limits (MM #995)

In yesterday’s Minute Minute we touched on regrets. If you missed it, you can listen HERE. Today we discuss another theory of living our life….

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