
Loud Mufflers (MM #4571)

When I was in my teens, my car was a part of my identity. Of course, it isn’t easy making a stock VW Beetle seem cool. I switched to a header-style exhaust system to make it sound more impressive. The car gave the impression it was much more powerful than it was. Loud mufflers are…

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So Much Noise (MM #4386)

When I was young, many accused me of making lots of noise. I never understood why people said that. Today, I question if I was that loud. When my nieces and nephews visit, they show me the true meaning of loud. I don’t know how such tiny people can make so much noise. Sometimes it’s…

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Crank It Up! (MM #8)

Remember when you were younger and a great song would come on the radio and you’d crank it up?! So when exactly are you too old to turn it up loud?

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