mason minute

Beef (MM #4092)

I’ve been eating beef for most of my life and don’t think much about it. There are different cuts of steak, and the part of the cow determines what we call them. Hamburgers are just ground beef; at least that’s what I thought. But now, Arby’s is selling a Wagyu burger, And I’d never heard…

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Rain Check (MM #4091)

If an outdoor concert or ball game is postponed due to bad weather, you can often get a rain check. Sometimes if you miss a big sale or special event, you can also get one. I missed a big event yesterday, but I don’t think that will be an option this time…

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Wedding Season (MM #4090)

You could say that June is the start of the wedding season. We’ve all been hearing the phrase June bride for most of our lives. Many people head to Las Vegas to get married at one of the little chapels. And for some, having their ceremony officiated by someone who looks and sounds like Elvis…

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One Teaspoon (MM #4089)

Coffee is loved all over the world. But there have always been concerns about whether it is good or bad for us. A new British study says that even when adding just one teaspoon of sugar to your cup, your chance of dying is less than those who don’t drink coffee daily. Now I’m sure…

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Time To Reboot (MM #4088)

I love technology until it doesn’t love me. I spend most of my day on my laptop and smartphone, and they’re great until something goes wrong. At that point, it’s time to reboot. The other day, I had the same issue with my DVR. I realize that it’s just a computer, but I wonder why…

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Flights Canceled (MM #4087)

Right now, most of us want our life to get back to normal. But as much as we try, we can’t catch a lucky break. Many hoped to travel over the holiday weekend but quickly found their flights canceled. While the weather was a problem for some, it wasn’t the biggest issue…

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Heartbroken (MM #4086)

Anytime we have a tragedy, people are quick to offer their thoughts and prayers. But many feel that phrase no longer has any meaning. So, after the Texas school shooting, some have come up with a new way to share their feelings. They claim to be horrified and heartbroken. That almost sounds made-up, and I’m…

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Mountain Dew (MM #4085)

Every so often, I feel my age. Yesterday, a friend mentioned that he was searching for the new Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew. I had no clue what he was talking about. I’ve had Code Red and Baja Blast in the past, but what was he talking about this time? Boy, was I in for a…

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Eggs Benedict (MM #4084)

It’s been a heavy news week. So, as I scrolled through my newsfeed, I was looking for a story that could take my mind off the world’s troubles. The article I found tracked the most popular breakfast food from the year you were born. Some of the foods make sense. Pop-Tarts, Eggo Waffles, and Egg…

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Classmates (MM #4083)

It’s been a long time since I was in school. And I’ve lost touch with most of my classmates. That happens a lot for people my age. Sure, there is a website where you can find out about the people from your younger years. But, there’s one big issue with that site…

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