mason minute

Classmates (MM #4083)

It’s been a long time since I was in school. And I’ve lost touch with most of my classmates. That happens a lot for people my age. Sure, there is a website where you can find out about the people from your younger years. But, there’s one big issue with that site…

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Mass Shooting (MM #4082)

By now, you already know there was a mass shooting at a Texas school on Tuesday. And once again, people will start to argue about access to guns. Yes, that’s something we need to fix. We’ve been fighting about that for a long time. But sadly, some people would rather talk about things that don’t…

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No Refund (MM #4081)

These are rough times for many. A trip to the grocery store can be depressing. Store shelves are empty. And when you do find what you need, it costs too much. Also, food recalls have become an ongoing issue. Over the weekend, stores removed the peanut butter that we always buy from their shelves. And…

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Cousins (MM #4080)

I don’t come from the largest of families. I guess you could say that most of the relatives that I do have could be considered distant relations. I do have a bunch of cousins. But even after all these years, I still don’t know whether they’re first, second, or third cousins. And could even be…

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Monkeypox (MM #4079)

Over the last few years, I’ve paid more attention to health and science news. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Recently, I started hearing talk about an outbreak of monkeypox. The virus has been around for a long time. In years past, I wouldn’t have paid attention. But now, I pay more attention to…

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Salad (MM #4078)

It may seem silly, but what is salad? Isn’t it a dish that includes lettuce in a bowl or on a plate? Then why is something that features chicken, tuna, or egg considered salad, too? And some people even call Jello and fruit combined a salad. I never thought about it until the other day,…

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Prom (MM #4077)

As the school year winds down, that also means that prom season is winding down. My niece Belle went to her first prom last weekend. Of course, family members shared lots of pictures. I doubt this will shock you, but school dances weren’t my thing. And that was even back in the day when I…

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UFOs (MM #4076)

Over the last few years, people have become more critical of our leaders. It doesn’t matter your views on life. No one is happy. To prove my point, what was Congress working on this week, UFOs? It was the first time they’d talked about it in over fifty years. You’d think there were bigger things…

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Bad Posture (MM #4075)

For years as kids, we were often told to stand up straight. Our parents were worried that we’d develop bad posture. You could say I’m one of the lucky ones. I didn’t have those problems until I was in a car accident a few years ago. Now, thanks to computers and smartphones, we could soon…

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Wrinkles (MM #4074)

As we get older, many of us start worrying about aging. For some, wrinkles are a growing concern. I think the only way to avoid them is to be fat. But experts say there is one thing you need to stop doing to keep the wrinkles away. And I would have never guessed what it…

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