mason minute

Mashed Or Fried (MM #4022)

I love potatoes. I don’t care if they’re mashed or fried, served as tots or hash browns. They’re one of those foods I’ve been eating since I was a baby. They’re not something I think about very much. But I saw some potato trivia recently that blew my mind…

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Speaking Of Logos (MM #4021)

Yesterday I talked about Vanderbilt University debuting a new school logo. And speaking of logos, that got me thinking about the NCAA basketball tournament. Have you noticed something different about every team jersey this year? They’re all starting to look like NASCAR uniforms…

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Scan The Code (MM #4019)

If you’ve watched any television lately, you’ve likely seen a graphic inviting you to scan the code. If you point your smartphone at that QR code, it might take to the app store or perhaps a website. But I saw one channel use it this week in a new way. And it might be something…

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Allergy Season (MM #4018)

Spring has sprung, and that means allergy season is in full bloom. But if you’re a long-time sufferer like me, you barely notice. My allergies cause problems year-round. Researchers say that many who suffer today could begin suffering more in years to come…

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Fewer Choices (MM #4017)

Many people today feel that the media is biased. Some claim we were better off when we only had three choices for TV news. And that may be true, but today’s news media isn’t reporting on stories for all people. The TV networks are focused on just a portion of the population. We now have…

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So Obvious (MM #4016)

Some days you hear something or read something so obvious you shake your head in disbelief. Reading the news online the other day, I saw a headline that made me shout out. And the reason I was in shock wasn’t that this news story was so outrageous…

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Pokemon Cards (MM #4015)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved pop culture. I always try to pay attention to the hot collectibles and current trends. But Pokemon cards really baffle me. One of my nephews loves to collect and trade them, but this is one fad that loses me. I simply can’t get a handle on…

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Growing Up (MM #4014)

Let’s face it; Growing up is tough. When you’re young, the years never move fast enough. And as a parent, the time seems to fly. That’s why I love being an Uncle. I see the change in my nieces and nephews every time I see them. And I’m able to enjoy everything about them becoming…

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Daylight Saving Time (MM #4013)

Most of the U.S. moved our clocks forward last weekend, and the time change is still causing sleep issues for many. Making Daylight Saving Time a permanent fixture is something that many people want. This week, the Senate approved legislation to do just that. I remember the last time we tried that back in the…

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