mason minute

A Good Reuben (MM #4012)

For many people, today is a day where they drink green beer and Irish whiskey. I think about corned beef. On St Patrick’s Day, I always think about my quest for a good Reuben sandwich. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good corned beef sandwich but have always preferred its American cousin, Reuben…

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Rivalries (MM #4011)

The NCAA basketball tournament has begun, and it’s the time when casual fans start paying attention. I don’t follow the game as much as I did in my younger days, but I still pay attention. Rivalries become the focus for many this time of year. And that took me back to my basketball days…

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Listeria (MM #4010)

Many people get food poisoning, endure the pain for a few days, then move on. But extreme cases like listeria and salmonella look to be increasing. So why do we have problems with foodborne illness? Something doesn’t make sense…

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Gas Siphoning (MM #4009)

Whenever we experience gas shortages or extreme increases in prices, there’s one thing you can count on, an jump in crime. With a quick jump in prices, gas siphoning is already making the news. While I shouldn’t be surprised, it always baffles me. But I don’t know why I’m surprised…

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Winning Time (MM #4008)

Tonight is the second episode of the new HBO series, Winning Time. It’s the story of the LA Lakers in the 1980s. And even if you’re not a basketball fan, you still might find it entertaining; because you will likely see some of your favorite actors performing in unexpected roles…

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Nail Polish (MM #4007)

Nail polish has been around in some form for hundreds of years. And I’ll be the first to admit that I’m no expert on the subject. But I’ve often wondered why women choose the specific colors they wear. The other night while watching a comedy special, and noticed the comedienne’s nails. And that got me…

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Carbon Neutral (MM #4006)

Climate change has been a major topic of discussion over the last few years. At this point, few can agree on what we need to do to save our planet. Some companies feel that making more carbon neutral products will help. And while that can help, there’s more that we need to do. One company…

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Bigorexia (MM #4005)

Many people have expressed their concern about how social media is causing mental health issues for our young people. I was reading the news online recently and encountered a story about bigorexia. It was a term I’d never heard before and expected the story to be about weight. But what I found was extremely concerning…

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Stay Home (MM #4004)

Now that it looks like we’re emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic, the last thing anyone wants to do is stay home. But many people will choose to continue staying close to home for a new reason. The rising cost of gas has forced people to reevaluate how much they can get back to normal…

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Convoy (MM #4003)

If you’ve seen any news over the last few days, you’ve heard about the convoy around our nation’s capital. Hundreds of vehicles are coordinating to create a rolling protest about Covid-19 restrictions. I ask, why now? Most states have already relaxed their mask mandates. There is something more to this…

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